Labour offices and employment agencies
Labour offices help jobseekers to improve their position when looking for new employment. Labour offices make it possible to search through the database of open positions. Employers must enter all open positions in the database by law.
When looking for work in the Czech Republic through an employment agency, it is important to make sure that the agency is holding a licence to tender recruitment services. No fee may be charged for arranging employment. The majority of agencies have their own websites, where you will find the necessary information and often current offerings for open positions as well.
Media and the Internet

Nationwide press in the CR often have a supplement published on a regular basis that attends to the employment issues and lists job offers. For example, newspapers such as Jobmaster, Avízo and Annonce include a jobs section.
Internet is a great source of jobs offers. Thanks to it, jobseekers can search for vacances offered. Furthermore, it allow people to post their CV online.
Job applications
People who is interested in employment is declared by sending a curriculum vitae and a cover letter.
- Cover letter
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
A structured CV should be attached to your application, containing the following information in general:
1. Personal information: name, contact address, telephone, e-mail, date and place of birth, nationality.
2. Education, qualifications: this portion should contain information about your education, training sessions and courses in which you have taken part.
3. Work experience: this very important part of your CV contains a description of each of your prior positions.
4. Other qualifications: languages, computer literacy, driving
license and other certificates or training undertaken
5. Personal interests: here you should briefly described your personal interests and hobbies, especially insofar as they relate to the position in which you’re interested
6. References: here you should provide the names and contact information of former employers who may provide a reference about you.
The cover letter and the CV should both the written on a computer. Don’t forget to sign your CV.
1. Personal information: name, contact address, telephone, e-mail, date and place of birth, nationality.
2. Education, qualifications: this portion should contain information about your education, training sessions and courses in which you have taken part.
3. Work experience: this very important part of your CV contains a description of each of your prior positions.
4. Other qualifications: languages, computer literacy, driving
license and other certificates or training undertaken
5. Personal interests: here you should briefly described your personal interests and hobbies, especially insofar as they relate to the position in which you’re interested
6. References: here you should provide the names and contact information of former employers who may provide a reference about you.
The cover letter and the CV should both the written on a computer. Don’t forget to sign your CV.
Minimum wage
The minimum wage is the lowest allowable amount of
pay for work in an employment relationship.
The basic law is contained in the labour code. The basic
minimum wage for the designated 40–hour workweek is
CZK 8000 gross per month, or 48.10 CZK per hour.
The level of wages varies by region. Employees in Prague,
where the cost of living in terms of things like accommodation
are also highest, have the highest wages.
Social security
Every person working in the CR has social security insurance
through the Czech Social Security Administration.
Employers and employees participating in health
and retirement insurance, along with self-employed
persons and persons voluntarily contributing to retirement
insurance must pay insurance premiums.
Employers are legally bound to deduct social security
contributions from employee wages. 6.5 % is deducted
from the gross wage of employees for these purposes.
This system is designed to help people in situations
in which assistance is needed and it is provided in the
form of social benefits or access to special services.